(国王或女王在重要的正式场合佩戴的)王冠,权杖,珠宝 The Crown Jewels are the crown, sceptre, and other precious objects which are used on important official occasions by the King or Queen.
N-COUNT 最重要(或最有价值)的东西 If you describe something as someone's crown jewel, you mean it is the most important or valuable thing they have.
The company is also willing to sell 20% of its crown jewel, its credit-card business. 该公司还愿意出让其20%的核心业务,即信用卡业务。
Similarly, if the EJB is protected but the database is not, then the hacker can bypass the application completely and go straight to the crown jewels, the corporate data. 类似地,如果EJB受到保护,但数据库没有受到保护,则黑客完全可以绕过应用程序,直接进入核心地带操纵公司的数据。
These discovered patterns are the crown jewels of your company because they are design elements that capture something useful about the way the company does business. 这些已发现模式就像是您公司皇冠上的珠宝,因为它们是实现公司运行方式的设计元素。
These products are the crown jewels of this company. 这些产品是该公司的核心产品。
The fortuneteller had a crystal ball and wore a crown of jewels. 那个算命师有个水晶球,而且头戴宝石王冠。
They call it denial marketing: the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day. 他们称之为勿需营销:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。
Guard Your Crown Jewels 保护你的王冠
It circulated through the British crown jewels until finding a home in the coronation crown of Elizabeth, Britain's most recent Queen Mother. 这颗宝石曾被镶上到不同皇冠之上,直到它在的英国最近的一位王太后&伊丽莎白的加冕皇冠上永久的安家。
In 2011, he negotiated an agreement giving him and a handful of key lieutenants a majority stake in Alipay, one of the company's crown jewels. 2011年,他通过谈判达成了一项协议,使自己和几名主要的副手获得了支付宝的多数股份。支付宝被誉为公司王冠上的明珠。
What's this got to do with the crown jewels? 这和珠宝王冠有什么关系?
It's a good start for TIBCO, though shows that it's still guarding its crown jewels. 对于TIBCO来说,这是个好的开始,尽管显示它仍在守卫它的王冠。
The crown jewels are on display in the tower of london. 王室的御宝在伦敦塔展出。
Yet when it came to a vote, they backed him on the catastrophic bid for ABN Amro, even though the credit crunch was already crippling the financial system and ABN Amro had sold its North American crown jewels. 然而在投票时,它们支持了古德温对荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)的灾难性收购,即使信贷危机已经在冲击金融体系,而且荷兰银行已卖掉其在北美的皇冠上的宝石。
These industries are the crown jewels of the French economy. 这些产业是法国经济的珍宝。
The most popular sight, however, is probably the strongly guarded room in which the Crown jewels are kept and displayed. 不过,最著名的景点大概是王室珍宝存放陈列室,那儿有重兵把守着。
That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels. 与王冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指是不值分文的东西。
Her crown is set with precious jewels. 她的王冠镶嵌着珍贵的珠宝。
It's difficult to be absolutely certain about some of the other stones, because after the execution of Charles I, Cromwell had the crown jewels broken up and sold. 一些其他宝石的渊源已难以考证&因为在查理一世被处决之后,克伦威尔曾将王室珠宝销毁并变卖。
They help you read, they're like crown jewels. 它们帮你阅读,它们就像王冠上的珠宝。
The target company defends itself by selling off its crown jewels. 被兼并公司通过卖掉自己的资产以获得自我保护的政策。
Sentinel Knight scatters the crown and its jewels on the planet Earth in hopes of preventing it from falling into the wrong hands. 哨兵骑士散射皇冠及珠宝,其对地球行星的希望防止它落入坏人之手。
XML Literals, Members, and Namespaces, which along with LINQ are the crown jewels of VB9, will be supported. XML常量(XMLLiterals)、成员、命名空间以及LINQ都是VB9皇冠上的明珠,它们也均将毫无疑问地得到支持。
Sponsorship is part of the modern game. This does not mean we have to sell off the crown jewels. 商业赞助是现代足球的一部分,但这并代表我们可以为了钱将皇冠上的珠宝卖掉。
There has only ever been one attempt to steal the crown jewels. 历史上只有一次对权杖钻石进行过偷窃。
That's where they keep the Crown Jewels. 那是他们保存王冠宝石的地方。
This is also the home of the Czech crown jewels and in particular the St Wenceslas Crown, the most important symbol of Czech statehood. 当然,布拉格也是捷克共和国首都城市。尤其是圣瓦茨拉夫冠,最重要的象征,捷克建国。
The crown was beset with diamonds and jewels. 皇冠上镶嵌着钻石和珠宝。
You have purchased one of the crown jewels of English sport, an emotional force in the lives of countless people, a place where community means more than commerce. 你购买的是一颗英国体育王国的珍宝,一个凝聚了无数人生命中情感的力量,一个不仅仅是商业的组织。
Native ancient woodlands the forest crown jewels 英格兰森林皇冠上的宝石